Cameron calm down dear

Oh, David Cameron - you’ve done it again. 1013 days to take action on your original promise and today you tell Women’s Aid that a law that prioritises women’s lives is not – and has not been - worth rallying your government to take action for…

Please, take your time. I mean - when we have 1p off the price of our pints - who cares that 2 women are murdered every week and 233 women are raped every day in the UK?

Oh! That’s right. WE CARE. We demand CHANGE. ‪#‎ICchange‬

This government needed to get serious about ending violence against women in the UK. We demand that they ratify Istanbul Convention on violence against women and domestic violence.

If you agree please SHARE…

We will be doing more over the coming days and weeks - keep following us here, on Facebook and Twitter to help create change.