2020 is a big year for women’s rights - let’s make it count!

Image by Freepik.

2020 is set to be a big year for women’s rights. It will mark:

  • the 25th anniversary of the Beijing Platform for Action - the first global agreement on gender equality;
  • the 5th anniversary of the United Nations (UN) Sustainable Development Goals;
  • the 20th anniversary of UN Security Council resolution 1325 on women, peace and security; and
  • the 10th anniversary of UN Women being set up.

Around these global moments, world leaders, governments, civil society and the private sector are taking time to reflect on our progress towards gender equality. This is a unique and critical opportunity to mobilise action around the world to create the world we dream of - where women and girls’ equal value is recognised, and they are safe and able to flourish.

It’s set to be a big year for women’s rights in the UK too, as the Government has committed to re-introducing the landmark Domestic Abuse Bill.

In preparation for 2020, we have also been taking stock of where the UK is up to in two key areas related to addressing violence against women.

Taking stock of progress around the Domestic Abuse Bill…

  • 2019 was an emotional roller coaster for supporters of the Domestic Abuse Bill, which was introduced, fell and re-introduced more times than we would like to remember during a particularly tumultuous year in British politics.
  • Thanks to the persistent campaigning of women’s groups, the Domestic Abuse Bill survived the General election and the Conservative party committed to re-introduce it this year in the Queen’s Speech. We need to make sure this happens - fast.

Taking stock of the UK Government’s progress towards ratification of the Istanbul Convention…

  • In November 2019, the Government released its third annual report on progress towards ratifying the Istanbul Convention, as required under the Istanbul Convention Act.
  • We were pleased to see that they are taking their obligations under the Istanbul Convention seriously and have taken on board feedback from the Joint Committee on the Draft Domestic Abuse Bill about support and protection for migrant women. However, we are concerned that their progress towards ratification is extremely slow and that they might drag out change in these areas to further delay ratification.

In 2020, we will be campaigning for:

  • The UK Government to re-introduce the Domestic Abuse Bill - without delay and with critical amendments. We will be campaigning with other women’s organisations for the Bill to include key amendments for the support and protection of all women, particularly migrant women.
  • The UK Government to step up its action towards ratifying the Istanbul Convention on violence against women. We will be campaigning for Government to set out a rapid and clear timeline for ratifying the Istanbul Convention as soon as possible, as they have already agreed in the Istanbul Convention Act.

The IC Change community is going into the new year full of determination and hope - but we can’t do this without you. We need you to add your voice and to take action where you can.

Sign the petition and follow us on Twitter to keep up to date and help us make 2020 a year that counts for women!