16 days: Southall Black Sisters

16 days: Southall Black Sisters

southall black sisters puzzle pieceSpecialist BME services provide culturally sensitive support in community settings.

We ACT because they … provide a range of advice and support services to enable black and minority women to gain the knowledge and confidence they need to assert their human rights.

Southall Black Sisters is an advocacy and campaigning organization that provides vital support and awareness around gender based violence for black and minority ethnic women (BME).

They provide family, housing and immigration legal advice surgeries, domestic violence outreach support to women from BME communities and the ‘No Recourse Fund’. The Fund assists women with an insecure immigration status who are experiencing abuse, by helping to cover their housing and essential living costs. This type of support is vital for women experiencing gender-based violence. Read more about 16 days: Southall Black Sisters

16 days: AVA

16 days: AVA

ava puzzle pieceSupporting organisations and professionals working to end violence against women and girls

We ACT because … they equip professionals working to end violence against women and girls, from frontline staff to Government Ministers, by providing training, resources, and good practice guidelines.

Training professionals is one of the key ways Against Violence and Abuse (AVA) tackles violence against women and girls. Their training for professionals includes how to identify different forms of violence against women, support survivors, and work with children and young people affected by violence. And it’s had great feedback from professionals who have taken part. Read more about 16 days: AVA

16 days: Forward

16 days: Forward

forward puzzle pieceSeeking a world where women and girls live in dignity, are healthy, and have choices and equal opportunities.

We ACT because they … work to transform lives, tackling discriminatory practices that affect the dignity and wellbeing of girls and women through partnerships in the UK, Europe and Africa.

One of the key issues FORWARD has focused over its last thirty years of championing the rights of African girls and women is female genital mutilation (FGM). FORWARD works in the UK, Europe and Africa to safeguard girls at risk of FGM and support women affected. Read more about 16 days: Forward

16 days: DViP

16 days: DViP

dvip puzzle piece

When men want to seek help to stop perpetrating violence against their partners, where can they go?

We ACT because they … work with perpetrators of domestic violence across London to stop domestic violence and to reduce the harm it causes.

The Domestic Violence Intervention Project (DViP) has been going for over 20 years, working with men to challenge and change their abusive and controlling behaviour and have safer, healthier relationships.

They provide a Violence Prevention Programme for men who want to end their abusive behaviour against a partner or ex-partner. It covers different aspects of violence and control, and on skills for better relationships and parenting. The programme is accredited by RESPECT - the UK membership organisation working with domestic violence perpetrators, male victims and young people. Read more about 16 days: DViP

16 days: Safe to talk

16 days: Safe to talk

Working together against domestic violence and abuse We ACT because they… deliver a multi-agency approach to respond to domestic violence and abuse. Safe to Talk (Coventry Domestic Violence and Abuse Partnership) is a partnership of different organisations tackling domestic violence and abuse in Coventry. The partnership has a number of member organisations who work together […]