Certain Curtain Theatre Company behind ICchange campaign!

Certain Curtain Theatre Company behind ICchange campaign!

We have just received support for the ICchange campaign from the Certain Curtain Theatre Company! Fantastic news!! Certain Curtain is a theatre company specialising in writing and producing original dramas exploring human rights issues which has been at the forefront of domestic violence drama since 1989. And this is why they are getting behind the ICchange campaign: ‘We wholeheartedly […]

Apna Haq fully champions the ICchange campaign

Apna Haq fully champions the ICchange campaign

The ICchange campaign has just been offered support from the amaaaaazing Apna Haq!!! Apna Haq is a fantastic domestic violence organisation that provides confidential, one to one support for Asian women and their children who are experiencing violence in the home. We are truly honoured to have the support from Apna Haq and would love you to hear […]

Oxford University Sexism Project gives its support to ICchange

Oxford University Sexism Project gives its support to ICchange

Now here’s a treat to start the week with: Oxford University Sexism Project is giving its support to the ICchange campaign!!! Oxford University Sexism Project was inspired by the Everyday Sexism Project to highlight and speak out about everyday sexism, including sexual harassment and violence, in Oxford. Needless to say, we’re thrilled to have their support! This is why […]