#BBCdebate - Have your say!

The final televised debate between political party leaders is being broadcast tomorrow night at 8pm on BBC One, and we have the opportunity to place violence against women and girls on the political agenda!

How can we do this? By submitting questions to the party leaders. We’ve provided a few examples of questions below, and we’re asking you to please click on the link to submit these (or questions of your own), or tweet them with the hashtag ‪#‎BBCdebate‬. The more questions they receive on violence against women, the more likely it is they’ll listen to our collective voice and finally put this issue in the forefront of the political landscape.

Let’s tell the party leaders what matters to us!

Examples questions you can use:

  • What will you do to tackle violence against women and girls in the UK?
  • Will your party ratify the Istanbul Convention on Violence Against Women and Girls?
  • 2 women die each week as a result of domestic violence. What will your party do to prevent this?
  • Violence against women is an epidemic in the UK. What will your party do to ensure women’s safety?
  • What commitments will your party make to end violence against women and domestic violence?
  • Will your parties commit to having representation in the cabinet focused on ending violence against women?
