16 Days, 16 Changes: Engaging men in calling for ratification

White Ribbon UK is the leading charity engaging men and boys to make a stand against violence and end male violence against women. Our mission is for all men to fulfil the White Ribbon Promise to never commit, excuse or remain silent about male violence against women.

We have supported the IC Change campaign for the ratification of the Istanbul Convention for many years. We want to make sure that men and boys understand the Convention’s importance, and that they stand with women in calling for the Convention to be ratified.

Whilst the Istanbul Convention was signed eight years ago, the protections for women that it brings are not legally binding until it is ratified. The Convention is a key component in building a country where culture and law go hand in hand to ensure that all women are safe from violence.

If ratified, it would mean that there would be a comprehensive approach to preventing and ending violence, enshrined in law. It would mean that violence and abuse against women could not be marginalised or ‘siloed’, and would have to be taken seriously and dealt with across the board.

Some voices have been undermining the Istanbul Convention because it is focused on the violence that ‘women’ experience. We must however counter such narrative by calling out the systemic cultures and practices that underpin this significant and insidious global problem that means far too many women experience violence because of their gender, and that the majority of perpetrators are men.

The Istanbul Convention states that countries should take the necessary measures to encourage all members of society, but especially men and boys, to contribute actively to preventing all forms of violence covered by the scope of this Convention (Article 12.4).

If the UK ratified the Istanbul Convention, the government would have a legal commitment to doing this, which would certainly strengthen our work.

As an organisation, we work with men to help them recognise that they have a role to play amongst their friends and communities in ending violence, and to encourage them to make the White Ribbon Promise to never commit, excuse or remain silent about violence against women. Individually and collectively, we must all take action and change our behaviour.

It is to fight for these principles, inherent in the Istanbul Convention, that we shall continue to call for ratification and ask that men, in particular, support the campaign.

Take action now:

Sign the petition for the UK to ratify the Istanbul Convention.

Wear a white ribbon and make the promise to never commit, excuse or remain silent about male violence against women.

This blog was written by Anthea Sully, Chief Executive, White Ribbon UK