
The Women’s Equality Network (WEN) Wales is a representative women’s network working to influence policy-making and empower women to achieve equal status in corporate and civil life. Having regard to the Convention on the Elimination of all forms of Discrimination against women (CEDAW), our charitable objects, for the public benefit, are to promote equality and human rights with specific reference to women and gender equality in Wales.

The Women’s Equality Network (WEN) Wales aims to carry out its objects by providing a network for communication between women in Wales, encouraging them to use their talents to the full, extend their knowledge, education and skills and to participate fully in local, national and international affairs, in voluntary activities and in their working lives.

WEN’s vision is a fairer society in which ALL women and girls can live free from prejudice and gender discrimination and enjoy equality in all aspects of their daily lives.

WEN Wales supports the IC Change Campaign to make the Istanbul Convention law in the UK. We believe that ratifying the convention will enable the UK to make enormous progress towards eliminating violence against women and girls. We urge our members to write to their MPs in Wales and sign the petition.