IC Change is a volunteer-led campaign for the UK Government to ratify the Istanbul Convention on preventing and combating violence against women and domestic violence) to make it law in the UK – so that women and girls can live lives free from violence.
UN Women has called the Istanbul Convention the “gold standard” for tackling violence against women, and it is the most comprehensive legal framework for ending violence against women and girls. But a lot of people have still not heard about it – and the UK government has stalled in progress towards ratifying.
The IC Change campaign is working to
- make sure that people have heard about the Istanbul Convention – and
- ensure that the Government follows through on its commitment to ratify the Istanbul Convention in the UK.
IC Change is supported by many organisations from across the women’s sector and beyond, as well as receiving cross-party political support.

Why are we campaigning for the Istanbul Convention?

We have a vision of a society where women and girls can live free from violence and free from the fear of violence.
We believe that the Istanbul Convention (IC) is a key step towards creating a safe society for women and girls because:
- The IC is a strategic way to tackle violence against women and girls;
- The IC is a legal commitment from the UK Government to tackle violence against women and girls;
- The IC is a method that engages all sectors and communities across society.